
Psychosynthesis as applied to psychotherapy is a holistic approach to helping the individual deal with dilemmas, conflicts and patterns of behaviours which inhibit or prevent living life in meaningful and fulfilling ways.

Dr. Roberto Assagioli was an Italian psychologist, psychiatrist and philosopher. What set him apart from his contemporaries was his belief in the existence of Self, and the particular methods devised to help a person discover their true essence.

"When the existence and marvellous power of the deeper self is recognised, the “Know Thyself” of the Delphic Oracle acquires a new and profounder meaning. It no longer means only “analyse your thoughts and feelings and actions”; it means study your most intimate self, discover the real being hidden in the depths of your soul, and learn its marvellous potency”. Roberto Assagioli

Self (our unique essence) is the source of wisdom and guidance, which we are largely unconscious of as we go about our busy lives. Our tendency to rationalise and value the intellect means we often neglect or dismiss our intuitive deeper self, nipping in the bud any creative forces that may push for recognition and expression. This may lead to all sorts of feelings, thoughts and behaviours. Depression and/or anxiety become the symptoms, which often bring the individual into therapy.

This quote from Assagioli really sums up Psychosynthesis.
" Psychosynthesis is interested in the whole building. We try to build an elevator which will allow a person to access every level of their personality. After all, a building with only a basement is very limited. We want to open up the terrace where you can sun-bathe or look at the stars. Our concern is the synthesis of all areas of the personality. that means that psychosythesis is holistic, global, and inclusive".

There may be past and present experiences that need to be addressed which ignite a curiosity and desire to understand and make sense of what is going on, it is a given that what is at work is the deeper self‘s calling for authentic and freer expression.

Psychosynthesis can hold and meet suffering from a multi - dimensional perspective. This therapy is for people who are dealing with many different types of crisis or transitions in their lives.

They may present through experiencing 

  • Difficulties with intimate relationships
  • Lack of meaning in life
  • Loss of identity and sensue of purpose or direction
  • Relational trauma and abuse
  • Eating disorders and process addictions
  • Depression
  • Bereavement
  • Couples